Woke Asian Guy and Egg White Ep 36: Jim (Davidson) or Jim(Davidson) Quiz Special.

In this episode we break down the recent Jimmy Carr Netflix Special: His Dark Materials and the difference in his edgy delivery compared to Jim Davidson’s old school ways on the same controversial style.  We try to prove this point with a superb quiz: Jim or Jimmy where Egg says a comedic one liner and Wokie has to find out if it was said by Jimmy Carr or Jim Davidson. Guess who ends up with egg on his his face? Clue: not Egg White ironically. 

We also have some post pod inserts by Egg White clarifying certain things because afterthought is a 

Show notes

First of all if you are feeling generous please chuck us some loose change here. This helps us keep going with our comedy nonsense. Patreon: Patreon.com/fuzzydice

Woke Asian Guy and Egg White’s umbrella company is Fuzzy Dice.
Check out our sketches here:

Check out a review of Jimmy Carr’s His Dark Materials review here before watching the performance on Netflix:

Bullseye’s Jim Bowen was a legend presenting the chintziest game show of the 80’s.  His show will live forever in our hearts. 

Piers Morgan has come full circle and rejoined The Sun. A match made in hell.check out his frivolous froth about Adele here and then burn the newspaper. 

We also give any chance to mention Spike Milligan’s Curry and Chips. Here is a link to a trailer so you can buy the DVD box set because it’s eye poppingly weird and so wrong... and so 70's. 

History doesn’t get weirder then Bernard Manning guarding Rudolph Hell at Spandau Prison. How’s that for a C.V. From prison guard of nazis to mentalist old school comedian.  