In this wide ranging rant, Woke Asian Guy starts off with what the 90’s American sitcoms were like regarding diversity and uses Seinfeld as an example. We see how hard it was when the actors don’t look like the cast of Friends and how their stories were written. We then segue into the mistaken scientific fact that Squirrels are practically human… horse poo we say and we break it down to show you. And FINALLY! We have an audio trailer of Jim Davidson the sitcom titled: Jim Davidson is my Bigoted Uncle and Lives in my Attic. Rolls off the tongue right? Ok, we love the Headspace app but we have a niche market we can serve. Listen to find out

All that and still enough time to add some Egg White esoterica.

Oh and Spike Milligan.. the absolute G.O.A.T mentalist


We all know Seinfeld is on Netflix and considering they spent 500 million quid on it the could have done the aspect ratio a lot better:

Anyone a certain age will love the wonderfully eccentric Spike Milligan but there were some things he did which were clearly questionable like Curry and Chips. Read the notorious history below and also fact check: His character was called Kevin O’ Grady.

The actor who played the Pakistani restauranteur, Brian George is the hardest working man in show business. Click the link to see what he has done and as yourself… can you do the same Jerry Seinfeld?

Typically mental, The Guardian did an article about human squirrels or something like that, read it here.

Want to go to the best sandwich shop in the world? Start in Los Angeles!

Ok, we talk about headspace and we do love it! we suggest you give it a go as they are the best on the market for middle class people.