Highlights From The Show:

Welcome to this version of the Just Start Real Estate Podcast! I am excited to bring you another replay of my Live Question and Answer sessions. For those people that are unable to join us live, this will provide an opportunity to hear the awesome questions I am fielding about business, taking risks, real estate, and so much more!


This presentation is the live Q&A that I did the week of August 3rd and each Thursday we will offer you another chance to take advantage of listening to the answers to our guests’ fabulous and compelling questions! Don’t miss this new episode of the  Just Start Real Estate Podcast!

Notable Quotes:

“Don’t let anybody talk you out of real estate.”


“I quit my job and never looked back.”


“I make like twenty times more money each year than I did at my 9-to-5 job.”


“You need to define your buy box - figure out what a good deal looks like to you and stick to it.”


“I am excited about the upcoming market changes and every investor should be, too.”


“Because we are moving into more of a buyer’s market, your disposition process needs to be completely dialed in.”


“Even in my company, we got a little lazy because things got easy.”

Thank You for Listening!

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More Resources From Mike:

Level Jumping: How I Grew My Business to Over $1 Million in Profits in 12 Months
WINNING DIRECT MAIL - How to CRUSH IT with direct mail!
7 Figure Investor Video Course - Scale your business to 7 figures. I'll show you how!

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