Episode 136

Ah, the joys of teaching in a place that could make a reality show seem tame. Picture this: a depressed Norwegian woman, a short-tempered Japanese man who's as sensitive as a little princess, and you, the unsuspecting protagonist trying to survive it all. Welcome to the sitcom we never knew we needed!

Let's start with the Norwegian. Picture her, solemnly sipping her coffee, staring out the window, contemplating the meaning of life while the rest of us are just trying to figure out how to survive until the next coffee break. Her existential musings probably made for riveting staff room conversations. "Hey Ingrid, what's the meaning of life today?" "Oh, you know, just the usual existential crisis. Nothing new." And you thought Mondays were rough.

Then there's our short-tempered, sensitive-as-a-princess Japanese colleague. You have to admire the juxtaposition of traits here. Short fuse, delicate sensibilities – it's like mixing fire and ice and hoping for a lukewarm reaction. Can you imagine the scenes in the staff room? "Hey, Hiro, could you pass the chalk?" cue dramatic sigh "Why must you always ask me to do these things? Do I look like your personal chalk dispenser?" And you thought dealing with teenagers was a challenge.

But fear not, dear friend, for you have emerged from this chaotic sitcom relatively unscathed. You've survived the existential crises, the temper tantrums, and the passive-aggressive chalk incidents. You've earned your stripes, and now you're free to roam the educational wilderness, unburdened by the shackles of toxic workplace drama.

As you bid farewell to the school, you can't help but feel a sense of liberation. No more navigating the emotional minefield of Ingrid's existential crises or tiptoeing around Hiro's fragile ego. You're like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, ready to spread your wings and soar to new heights. Or at least enjoy a stress-free cup of coffee without fear of triggering a philosophical debate.

And so, my friend, as you embark on this new chapter of your teaching career, remember to cherish the memories, even the ones that make you laugh until tears stream down your face. After all, it's the absurdity of life that makes it worth living, whether you're teaching in a sitcom-worthy school or basking in the glow of newfound freedom.

Enjoy the rant,folks

Music :

Elbow - Grounds for Divorce
Shed 7 - Getting Better

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