On this Episode, number 169, of the “Just Bein’ Honest Podcast”, the tea is definitely spilled on my current encounters with SOCIAL ANXIETY + what exactly has been the INFLUENCER of the engine?

Did you know: Socially anxious individuals tend to be less likely to reframe a feared situation in a more positive light, or may attempt to suppress negative emotions rather than accepting them.

Does this action sound repetitive of your current lifestyle? Let's learn how to PIVOT from this resisting practice.

To learn more about how you can start designing your LIFESTYLE, and for the more show notes + low-toxic approved products, visit: JustBeinHonest.com

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On the show:

WHAT is SOCIAL ANXIETY?PSYCHOTHERAPY approaches to bring back healthier practices.HOW to become CONSCIOUS of your EMOTION REGULATION.



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The "Just Bein' Honest" Podcast is a production made from the ♡

xoxo KB

*Business Inquiries : [email protected]

*Music : "Alone" by Emmit Fenn // "Bravado" by Rondo Brothers

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