In this episode, Aisha Javed and I discussed the challenges Muslim women face through divorce, including financial independence.

Aishah shared her experience of struggling with financial independence and offered guidance on approaching the issue. Aisha discussed the importance of empowerment and taking small steps towards personal and professional growth, acknowledging that the process may be difficult but stressing the importance of being open to change and networking with the right people.

We delved into the importance of communication in marriages and how it can impact the relationship. Aisha discussed how miscommunication can lead to resentment and arguments and stressed the need to communicate needs and feelings respectfully.

We also explored how past traumas and emotional baggage can affect relationships and attract similar partners. We also touch on the concept of energy and how it can impact the type of partners we attract.

The discussion also covered the complexities of accepting responsibility for divorce and acknowledging the difficulty of facing one's role. We discussed the importance of doing inner work to understand patterns and make changes for future relationships and how this can lead to healthier partnerships. Aisha also discussed the importance of shifting energy towards gratitude and openness to receive rather than solely focusing on providing for others. Emphasizing the healing aspect of letting go and surrendering your deepest fears and how those fears can stem from personal experiences and trauma.

We also delved into the importance of understanding and taking responsibility for one's emotions to let go of them and the need for deep heart work and grieving to release emotions. Aisha encouraged individuals to allow themselves to feel and express their emotions to release them, even if it means revisiting them multiple times.

Be sure to contact Aisha Javed if you resonate with this episode. Instagram -
