We can easily fall into judging and shaming ourselves for being in the same old rut. Till we reach a point where we can’t take it anymore and we force ourselves to make changes. But the problem is, it doesn’t last that long. Maybe a week or even a day, then we find ourselves back where we started.

Forcing yourself to make changes isn’t the solution! Finding out why you end up in the same place again and again is. We unconsciously recreate the past because it is familiar to us. In other words, it is your comfort zone.

The life that you dream of is unfamiliar to you. So unconsciously you will recreate what is familiar to you. Asking yourself this one question, ‘how does this moment serve me?’ Changes the narrative completely. This helps you understand that there is a part of you that perceives what you want as a threat. If you untangle the story of why it is a perceived threat, the changes come effortlessly. This is called shadow work.

Tune into this episode for more.
