To build my confidence, I started with lying down in the middle of the streets to dancing on it.

I had to do it step by step!

Building the ability of tension I could handle one step at a time.

When you imagine where it is that you wish to be, it can feel overwhelming thinking about how you can get there.

You have to start small!

Just like going to the gym. To be able to push 100kg, you have to start with an empty bar. Each week you add 2.5kg to the bar and within 10 months you will have 100kg on the bar.

This is the same principle that applies to building a business or being in a relationship. You start small and build your way up.

This is something we focus on in week 2 ‘Playing with Tension’ in my program Quantum Leap. If you do wish to sign up, send me a message or click the link in my bio.

Tune into my latest episode to hear more about my experience on how I went from being homebound by social anxiety to dancing in the middle of the streets with the playing with tension method.