That feeling, that no matter what you do, you always end up in the same place.

It feels defeating when you want to make changes to your life so you make a plan and when it comes to taking action you feel paralyzed by your emotions.

So you power through it and then a week later sabotage all that you have done.

Frustrated and mad at yourself that you are just meant for failure.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will control your life and you will call it fate.” - Carl Jung.

When we actively sabotage all our efforts to make changes in our life we can easily feel like it’s just not meant to be.

That we are simply not meant to have what it is that we desire.

But what’s really happening is..

There is a part of your subconscious mind that perceives your goal as a threat. Whether it’s finding love or creating financial freedom.

This is painful to even comprehend. Why would I not want it when that’s all I think about? Consciously yes, but unconsciously that outcome is dangerous. Therefore, a part of you will self-sabotage the process.

Shadow work is about finding that part of you and understanding why that outcome is perceived as a threat.

This process is the missing piece of all of our lives! But be warned, it’s the most challenging and painful journey one can endure. BUT the most life-changing!