In Just A Catholic Dad 36, we're on the road again; I talk about our trip to Welsh Wales and books and reading. Also, more about Caitie prayers, a trip to the Big Barn Church and I mangle several Christians' names.

For information on pro-death charities, please visit Life Decisions International ( Please note that the resources in this site are not all free.

Health Warning - Libsyn is playing up again! I think that this is the complete episode, but if it is not, please let me know!

'Beer Run' by Todd Snider

Links from Ian Maxfield (

Pier Giorgio Frassati -

The Anscombe Bioethics Centre -

 60 Second Saint – St Anicetus

 End Music 'Dream On' by Carrie Pettit, available from Music Alley.

 Please send your feedback to [email protected]

In Just A Catholic Dad 36, we're on the road again; I talk about our trip to Welsh Wales and books and reading. Also, more about Caitie prayers, a trip to the Big Barn Church and I mangle several Christians' names.

For information on pro-death charities, please visit Life Decisions International ( Please note that the resources in this site are not all free.

Health Warning - Libsyn is playing up again! I think that this is the complete episode, but if it is not, please let me know!

'Beer Run' by Todd Snider

Links from Ian Maxfield (

Pier Giorgio Frassati -

The Anscombe Bioethics Centre -

 60 Second Saint – St Anicetus

 End Music 'Dream On' by Carrie Pettit, available from Music Alley.

 Please send your feedback to [email protected]