We examine the bizarreness of the previous podcast, Caitie has insecurity worries and we look at the life of an inspirational young Italian, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati.  Also, we have some thoughts about the moral aspects of receiving medical care, vaccinations and life choices.




The Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund www.jdrf.org.uk

 Immunity From Evil?: Vaccines Derived from Abortionwww.catholiceducation.org/articles/medical_ethics/me0044.html

 Vatican says refusing vaccines must be weighed against health threats (CNS) http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/0504240.htm

 Daniele Rossi’s website www.stutteringiscool.com


End Music. ‘Still Small Voice’ by Bob Rowe, available through Music Alley.


If you’d like to send some feedback, drop me a line at [email protected], or leave a message at www.justacatholicdad.com.  Alternatively, you can find me on Facebook (Sean McCarney) or on Twitter (seanmccarney).


Look forward to hearing from you,


God Bless



We examine the bizarreness of the previous podcast, Caitie has insecurity worries and we look at the life of an inspirational young Italian, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati.  Also, we have some thoughts about the moral aspects of receiving medical care, vaccinations and life choices.




The Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund www.jdrf.org.uk

 Immunity From Evil?: Vaccines Derived from Abortionwww.catholiceducation.org/articles/medical_ethics/me0044.html

 Vatican says refusing vaccines must be weighed against health threats (CNS) http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/0504240.htm

 Daniele Rossi’s website www.stutteringiscool.com


End Music. ‘Still Small Voice’ by Bob Rowe, available through Music Alley.


If you’d like to send some feedback, drop me a line at [email protected], or leave a message at www.justacatholicdad.com.  Alternatively, you can find me on Facebook (Sean McCarney) or on Twitter (seanmccarney).


Look forward to hearing from you,


God Bless

