Intro (Added in Post)

Hello and welcome to The December issue of Jurassic Minutes 

Where we discuss recent movie, toy and franchise news for the Jurassic series. 




On this episode we will be discussing 

-Camp c season 2 trailer is out,

-Iron Studios has done it again,

-and stay tuned for the second part of the show where we dive into the history of the Jurassic Backlot. From horror to comedy to desperate housewives. We will tell you all about the use of the universal backlot for Jurassic and more.

Recent Toy or Prop Purchases?

Brad - Netflix Indominus rex, lumpy, jw gyrosphere station with irex and ankylosaurs. Fk masie and owen 

Dave -  hallmark jp rex, 4K JP set, 4K TV to watch them on, TLW Chasmosaurus from Luis Perez (on the way),        


Now for the news….

00:10:37 Iron studios reveals more fantastic pieces from Jurassic park.

Trex rotunda




We’ve seen photos of Muldoon v raptors also but will wait until next time when we get more details. 


00:22:44 Camp Cretaceous season 2 trailer drop and release date. Jan 22nd.


00:30:07 Jurassic world script reveals Owens age, and apparently his birthday as well.


00:31:45 Rumoured Maria Carrie concert performance was planned for Jurassic world.


00:38:03 Jurassic World Aftermath released on oculus.


00:41:27 Jurassic Backlot History Report.

 History of the site.

Life of the worker village post 1996.

Late 96 Early 97

-set de dressed. Power, lights and filming equipment and plants removed. 

-Vince Vaughn E Entertainment 1hr behind the scenes set tour. 

-Bones still at front gates.

-post filing? Plants removed. Why are people walking all over ops building? Still de dressing? Two guys working in lobby doing something.

-uses same interview locations as Vanessa video, assuming they filmed both interviews at same time, shots of interviewer showing left side of ops building.  

-everything outside of the fence removed.

-it might be a test shot, but it also shows the three main cast looking at the map before Roland says one more hour then we hit it. It’s a day shot!

-mural removed from operations building. 

-furniture removed from Ops Building. 

-no asphalt road in village yet.

-trampled satellite dish next to gas pumps.

-there’s still lighting rigs on set, and a satellite dish on the roof between kiln shed and bording house.


-Vanessa Lee Chester interview video from the set. Post filming but pre films release. Marketing interview video. Set in place, new asphalt road pathed through village for mentioned tram tour. 

-some cars removed, chev pick up still parked in front of boarding house with power pole laying on top of it. 

-some random guy walking on lower level in front of ops building. 

-Julian Moore filmed inside ops building with props still in place. Green foliage seen blowing in breeze befind her, there’s no where on the set that matches this except behind vince interviewer and centre of ops building. 

-we also get a vince Vaughn interview inside the ops building with the fake waterfall flowing behind 


Gangland Filmed on set. So let’s deviate for a moment to discuss what we learnt from watching gangland.

-sadly only ops building filmed and the water fall beside set. 

-although set is de dressed there’s still vines hanging from the roof.

-although mural removed “InGen We make your future” painted sign still visible above mural wall. Not seen in tlw. 

-outlines on walls can be seen where lights were removed. In particular the emergency lights above the door to the small store room near the rear helipad door.

-we get a great close up look at the front egg doors.

-we go inside the base of the tower. A two story structure with windows and double doors. Possibly once the lab? There’s also evidence of climbing spike in the wooden tower pole much like a telephone pole. But they’ve been cut off, 

-seems to be a open courtyard behind the mural wall and beside the tower base. 

-and then there’s the miniature built and exploded.


-Interior walls removed from left section of operations building.

-I haven’t seen a single video of the tram tour going through village. I found three videos showing the village post filming with everything in place. 

-also I’ve posted a video link in reference section of the universal Florida attraction for tlw featuring many probs including the hunters camp and triceratops puppet. Can only assume rv and mclass vehicles on display outside buildings.

-famous behind the scenes photos taken with man in black jacket in gas station, and sitting on concrete post in front of ops building. 


Late 1997

-Sliders filmed on set. Everything in place and tram rd either removed or covered over in gravel for Sliders filming. Also a lot of extra props stored onsite including InGen crates and the trampled satilite dish. 


Early 1998

-in a 1998 video fences were still in place, and rv was parked between ops building and garage. After Florida tour?

-trex cage also spotted onsite next to phsyco house as well as red stego cage.


Late 1998

-by end of 1998 fences were removed but main buildings remained up into 2000. Many InGen hunter vehicles remained on set. 

-all but one section of fence removed. Gates gone to tlw area of tour. 


Early 1999

-Gas station/garage removed along with large section of fence. 

-InGen Hunter Jeeps still litter site.


Late 1999

-some sections of fence and front gates removed. Presumably moved to Tlw display near the movie car section of tour. 

-trex cage still there

-gas pumps still onsite, possibly location of main switchboard and curcuit breakers for set. 


Early 2000

-video claiming to be shot in 2000 shows set as it appears in late 99 videos. Unsure if this is true.

-most of Village there, fence behind gas station still there. 

-how ever video found shot in jan 2000 and whoville set looks like it was just filmed on.


Mid 2000 Author confirmed to be March

-Kiln shed and boarding house removed as well as gas pumps/breaker box. 

-whoville set built for how the grinch stole xmas. Ops building left untouched hidden behind set.


Late 2000

-whoville moved beside bates motel. (Seen in August video)

-by late 2000 the redress of the set was underway. 

-Nothing else can be seen of the lab set. No car park or lights, no ruined vehicles. It looks identical three years later in a 2003 backlot tour. 

-set extended to rear to accomodate vending machine hallway. To accomodate extension bottom half of stairs leading up to helipad was removed, 

-by December tram tour stopped going up past bates motel, possibly filming jp3 at the time. 


Early 2002

-set used to film “The Backlot Murders.” There isn’t as much here as Gangland, but let’s once again tangent.

-most of the scenes take place on the stairs of embryonics admin building.

-there’s a couple of interior shots showing the structure is completely empty. 

-we can see two modifications from the original set. A added rear section housed the vending machine hallway and safety glass was used to replace the “storeroom” at the back corner of the building. 


Early 2004

-production crews and Actors rv’s parked on the Backlot site for the cast of desperate housewives which was being filmed nearby.


Mid 2004 

-plane wreckage brought onside and sets created for Spielbergs War Of the World’s. 

-tram tour stopped pointing out the jp3 set location/use



Crossing Jordan filmed thier season 6 finale on falls lake beside the Jurassic area. 

-behind the scenes shots show the Embryonics admin building tucked away behind the plane crash. 

-interestingly they prought another plane wreck in to film that episode. 

-don’t have access to it on streaming so can’t watch.



-music video filmed on the stairs of the Embryonics Admin Building. Copyright 2011.

-comes in at the 03:08 min mark. Roof above entrance already starting to collapse. 

-Even though the roof has fallen down to almost completely cover entrance a light coloured barrier has been put in front of doors anyway to stop people entering. We don’t know but I can only imagine fans like us either getting off the tram tour or just walking out to the set and exploring it without universal approval. 

-One interesting shot is a close up on the stairs leading to the building. We can clearly see the wire mesh frame and the chunks of plaster that were laid over it. Really makes me wonder if they consulted with anyone as to how strong stairs and ramp was to film on. 



-roof above lobby and rear “vending machine hallway” collapses. 

-rear walls surrounding tower base fall down.



-by now almost all the walls have collapsed inward. The tower still stands at the rear of the site.

-the top of the stairs, entrance door and most of the lobby area colapses into the pond below leaving a massive hole in the middle of the set

(-Id always through the support pilons and Floor were concrete but it seems it was all timber and plywood. It’s really surprising it lasted this long with all that weight ontop of it.)



-The colapsed Embryonics Administration Building is removed from the pond it was built over and destroyed. Leaving the only sets used for filming in the franchise being the Indominus enclosure and gyroshpere station still standing in kouai ranch. 


Reference Videos:

Pre 1997, push button waterfall on site of worker village. River flowed where the garage would be. Waterfall present in interview with nick van owen in ops building.


Pre 97 pond and waterfall min 11:15


1997 Marketing Videos:

Vanessa Lee Chester CNN Interview


Vince Vaughn Behind the scenes E Feature


1997 everything in place min 00:10:40

Black tar road through the village looks prominent, plus rv and other vehicles still there. Possibly shortly after marketing tour.


1997 post production. 06:40 Village set in place.


1998 Min 15:10 

Set still intact. Rv, trex cage and other cages on site.


1999 min 10:10 

Garage removed and part of fence. Many vehicles still litter the site.


1999 min 8:05

Front gates and gate section of fence gone. Trex cage still there and gas pumps.


2000 min 7:55

set still there? Entry gates gone, geothermal village and side section of fence remains. Video claims it was shot in 2000 only a quick glimpse that shows the same as previous video.


2000 (jan) min 26:13


2000 min 29:20

ops building still there, who ville built on village set.


2000 Min 38:10 

redress on ops building done? Tram tour operator states they’ve been rebuilding it, and filming will begin soon. Must be late 2000.


2004 min 38:15

Desperate housewives trailers on Backlot.


Universal Florida, hunters camp and trike puppet 00:20:00


Jp3 music video 2011 03:08 min