Hello and welcome to Fallen Kingdom where we Return to Jurassic World one minute at a time. 






In this episode we will be discussing Minute 3 of Fallen Kingdom. 


Jurassic Pedia Featured Article

Sub pilot 2 Kevin Layne


Tech operator John Schwab



This weeks Minute Recap 00:02:00 - 00:03:00 (added in post)

-minute 3 of fallen Kingdom opens with a submersible entering the Jurassic world lagoon,

-and ends with the submersible's robotic arm grabbing onto a rib bone.


Minute Discussion

-as we continue into minute 3 the submersible continues into the eerie darkness of the Jurassic world lagoon. 


-inside the sub the white guy looks uneasy. The black guy tells him to relax, anything in here would be dead by now. When I seen this I thought it was 4 years later so yeah everything should be dead. But it wasn’t until a tweet after the films release Colin had to confirm these opening events are 6 months after the evacuation. Tell us in the film! This is going to be a repeated trend moving forward unfortunately.


-the sub settles on the bottom of the lagoon and in the glow of the searchlights we can see a bony structure. 


-as the search light blow out the lighting in the frame we transition to a side shot of the sub approaching the skeleton, and a voice over from one of the mercenaries fills us in on what we are seeing and what their objective is. “There she is, the indominus Rex.”


-and as the minute ends the subs robotic arm extends outwards and grips a rib bone. 



Thank you for listening. 

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End credits added in post