Hello and welcome to Fallen Kingdom where we Return to Jurassic World one minute at a time. 






In this episode we will be discussing Minute 1 of Fallen Kingdom. 


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The Jurassic cannon timeline



This weeks Minute Recap 00:00:00 - 00:01:00 (added in post)

-minute 1 of fallen Kingdom opens with the universal logo

-and ends with a dark underwater shot.


Minute Discussion

-so as for the minute at hand, we get the universal logo up front, I had to remind myself the new trex themed logo only came in with camp Cretaceous. I hope it returns for dominion.


-next up we have the Amblin logo, 


-followed by legacy pictures which I feel is only here because they helped back roll Jurassic world. With how much money it made I’m sure universal kept them at arms length to get some extra money. 


-and as the minute ends we seem to be under water as all the production logos get set to come on screen a second time. 


-it’s a shame the legacy logo seems to be in space, it could of been darkened so we’d go directly into the underwater scene. The stars could have become debris. 


Novel Comparisons

-unfortunately getting a copy of the junior novelisation has proven harder than I thought. I now have one on the way so we will duck back to the novel a little later. 


Thank you for listening. 

-Anything else we'd like to bring up?

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End credits added in post