Keeping it Non-Toxic with Prim and Pure Creator Kelli

INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (from Greenly Guide)
1)    Like a lot of moms, I know you mentioned becoming very aware of toxins and chemicals after you had children - what was it that finally inspired you to take action to create Prim and Pure? 
After dealing with my own endocrine health issues and working with some other natural product companies, I started blogging and working with some groups in my community. Over the past few years, the amount of growth in the industry has been astonishing and I’ve loved watching so many new products and companies come to the market giving consumers more choices. There are so many great green beauty brands now, however; I struggled to find clean products at reasonable price points for parents and children, so that’s when I set the wheels in motion to start my own line.
2)    Having just launched in November 2016, can you share a little about Prim and Pure as a company and what someone can expect from your products?
When I decided to start my own line, I laid out what was most important to me. Those things ended up being safety, affordability and social impact. There are many products I could push to market but the quality or integrity of ingredients aren’t there. There are other products I would love to offer but right now, I can’t source them at affordable enough prices I’d want for my customers. Lastly, I want to make an impact….. that’s why I work as hard as I do. If I wanted to make more money, I’d take my MBA and go back to my corporate 9-5 job….. but now what’s more important to me is my kids and following my passion, and Prim and Pure has been that outlet to help spread awareness and offer safer alternatives.    3)    Do you have a favorite product in the line?  What was the first product you created?
Great question. Funny enough the first product I worked on was the one that actually tested my patience and aggravated me the most! Nail Polish is a tricky product. There are dozens of companies now making 5 Free, 7 Free, etc. type polishes which leads consumers to assume it must be a safe product and stop looking further to see what else is really in the polish besides just what it’s free of – when you take out something, you have to replace it with something else. I was determined to offer a water-based polish that also didn’t require the use of polish removers which are also known to contain many harmful chemicals.
Water based polishes consist of 75% or more of water, and trying to get a water base to act like a paint and form a hard film that’s going to last for a period of time on top of a porous nail surface can be challenging. Hence, not many main stream companies are attempting these formulas because it’s expensive and they don’t perform as long as their conventional counterparts. Nitrocellulose resins are the most commonly used because they are really cheap to formulate with. Prim and Pure polishes are 5 Free and also without nitrocellulose, glycol ethers, biphenyl A, acetates, acetone, alcohol, FD&C colors….. and instead we use a water and fruit and veggie base. They truly are odorless, and if you have a polish that gives off odor – you need to ask yourself what ingredient that might be!
That being said, the manufacturing process for the polishes ended up delaying my launch and frustrated the heck out of me because I was so excited to get going, but I’m so glad I waited because they came out beautiful! I’m excited to offer more colors as the business grows and I can invest in more inventory.   4)    Are there any items that you think Moms would want to borrow from their daughter's stash of Prim and Pure products?
Yes! I’ve had many moms coming back to purchase lip glosses, perfumes and eye shadows for themselves! The lip glosses for sure right now have been a huge hit! The shades are really beautiful and they wear very well while also being very nourishing for your lips! Hard to find many green beauty products under $10 with clean ingredients, but like I said that was one of my goals!
5)    How do you stay motivated as a mom and a business owner?
Pure and simple…. Passion! Sure some days are hard, and I get frustrated when my kids are storming through my office while I’m packing orders, but I’ve been getting better about finding the balance that works for all of us as a family. My motivation comes from my kids, my customers, and the constant feedback I get about how much I’ve helped a person or their family get their health back just by creating awareness about our surroundings. When you know you’re making a difference, even just the smallest bit….. that’s all the motivation you need to keep going, no matter how hard it gets or how high that stack of bills grow.
6)    What are your favorite ways to relax after a long day?
My guilty pleasure is wine! No shame, it keeps me sane! I find my balance through healthy and clean eating J
7)    I loved reading on your website about your passion for giving back - for every sale made, Prim and Pure donates to various children's causes - can you talk a little about some of these organizations that you have worked with so far?
Right now, I’ve been working with a lot of local events and causes – whether its donating product for various events or raising money for a specific cause or sick child in need. My customer base has been mostly local, but as the brand grows and the business becomes profitable, I am looking forward to working with larger organizations and programs to make an even bigger impact while also continuing to support my local community as well.
8)    What has been the best part about your journey to open Prim and Pure? What has been the hardest?
The best part is making a difference and seeing the delight on all the kids faces playing with and enjoying my products. When customers send me their photos of their little ones, my heart melts inside each time – seeing all the fun they are having and also knowing they aren’t burdening their bodies with harmful chemicals.
The hardest has definitely been the back end…. as with any entrepreneur the ideas come easy for me, but the expense and execution have proven challenging. My husband sold something very important to him to raise enough funds for me to purchase my first batch of inventory to get launched, and it was scary for me to take that risk and leap. I hope to pay him back one day…… I have the passion to succeed so I will keep grinding!
9)    Can you share with us any exciting future plans for your brand?
I have so many great ideas, I just need to continue to grow the brand so that I can continue to execute future lines and products. The process to just get one product ready from start the finish is a lot more challenging than it seems. Prim and Pure was never intended to be a lines just for girls or moms….. but that was what I launched with. I have plans to create fun products for boys as well! Stay tuned and follow us for future exciting updates!