Previous Episode: Episode 025 Kevin Johnson
Next Episode: Episode 027 Roger Dundas

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[10:45] It was more than the information. It was all really more about the implementation, and even further than that, it was about my believe system, which held it all together.

[13:58] For those of you who are listening, and have a big dream, and you wanna go to the next level. You, most times, have to find a way to fund that dream yourself.

[26:54] Failure is only success in progress

[29:00] A lot of us think that the learning is the doing. But in reality, the doing is the learning. If you never start doing, you’ll never start learning what you need in order to be successful, and so many of us, are usually stuck in this procrastination.


[3:20] Tye introduces herself: Hobbies, family and background.

[11:46] Advice for business owners

[15:28] Overcoming the fear of starting over and growing by herself.

[20:3] Tye’s services and how she can be of help to you.

[27:02] Tye’s experience with failure

[31:03] What would Tye love to be remembered by?


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Welcome back everyone, thanks a lot for tuning in and being a part of the Jump Podcast. Today, we have ourselves a really awesome guest that I’ve been trying to get on the show for quite a while. So, without further ado, joining us on the show is Tyeshia Miles.

Tye’s background, jump and rise to success

Born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, Tye is the 3rd born in a family of 4 girls. Getting pregnant at a tender age of 15 years set Tye up for a life of ambition, hustle and struggle. She worked at McDonalds before joining college for 2-year degree in Cosmetology and setting up her own hair stylist services under a local salon. This was Tye’s first Jump.

She struggled with her services when starting up, and ran on nothing but faith and hope to secure customers and new clients. Thus, her first 6 months were mostly dependent on the luck and prayer that things would get better. This however, all took a turn for the best when Tye took it upon herself to read marketing books and implement on the strategies, and in a span of 7 months, her business began raking in 6 figures!

Moving out and Growing bigger.

When her business grew, so did her reputation. Tye had big standards to uphold for both her regular clients and new customers. She requested the Salon manager to implement a few changes for her business sake. This caused a rift between the two and that is when Tye knew she had to move out, establish and keep growing her brand, business, and services.

In the next couple of months, Tye saved over 40,000 USD, which enabled her to get a loft in downtown Birmingham and start getting into business by herself.

Why are we always so hesitant to make our jump?

Uncertainty. Uncertainty scares the hell out of people, since they don’t know what to expect. At the core, though, trusting and believing in yourself and what you do can easily fix this.

The naysayers and sceptics will most probably always be there to scare and cower you from reaching for your dreams. And, sometimes, this could be our close friends, family or partners. But, for you to get to where you want, you will have to block them out of your thoughts and plans for the sake of your business and personal growth and success.

Because, the truth of the matter is, when you’re ready to make that jump, you can only take yourself so far, and have to allow yourself to be supported. This is specifically a hard thing, especially when you’re so used to standing on your own. Thus, you need to find a way to get the right support to help you build and grow your dream and business.