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[18:55] Leadership comes down to our ability to influence people to perform, participate and get engaged.

[23:30] If a leader presents himself or herself as being friendly, approachable and confident, people will follow.


Joining us in the Studio today is Kevin Johnson of the Johnson Leadership Group. They are passionate about training, coaching, equipping and mentoring the next generation of leaders. So, if you’re interested in leadership or think you have what it takes to be a leader, well then seat back, relax and enjoy the show.

Kevin comes from Richmond, Virginia. He went to high school in the same district, Armstrong high school. He pursued his undergraduate degree in Virginia Commonwealth University. Kevin spent his 34-year career in serving in the department of defence, treasury.

Having just recently retired, Kevin has dedicated his time, effort and passion in helping individuals and organizations prepare their front-level, mid-level and senior-level leaders to be great leaders.

Why the next Generation?

The baby-boom generation as Kevin calls it, is his generation. The generation composed of Kevin’s peers and individuals who have either retired or resigned in the past 3 – 4 years. Most of these retirees left behind a workforce that wasn’t fully equipped and trained to take over the great responsibility of leadership. Some, and even most of the individuals in the current workforce can carry out basic and even complex management tasks, it’s the leadership part that they lack. Because there’s a great difference between leadership and management.

And, as we move forward in time, more and more individuals, organizations and companies are recognizing the need for leadership as a skill. The training, as we’ve noticed, results to more positivity, engagement, inspiration, motivation and ultimately better organizations.

Kevin’s personal experience with leadership

Leadership is something that’s engrained in Kevin’s DNA. Starting off as a young boy, Kevin was tasked with the responsibility of taking care of his younger brother who was mentally disabled. Long after he was married, Kevin had a kid with autism, a challenge he readily and happily took up in looking after the kid.

Kevin, alongside his wife also run a ministry. A position that he got to after serving as a church leadership deacon.

The different life situations and obstacles that Kevin found himself in, he used as opportunities of learning not just how to lead, but also to serve.

Our Consistency in influencing people depends on;

Integrity. If we maintain and sustain our integrity as leaders, then it becomes really easy to influence people to participate and get engaged in their duties and responsibilities.

Nurturing. Giving people an environment and atmosphere conducive for their development and accepting the challenging assignments, knowing that we are there to give a lending hand.

Faith. Demonstrating that you have faith in people and trusting them to get the job done.

Understanding people. Understanding the people that you lead. What makes them tick? What do they like and dislike? What are some of the skills and abilities and knowledge that they have to be a great contributor to the team?


[13:20] Is there a difference between a leader in the church, and a leader in the corporate world?

[22:12] Tools of great leadership

[27:10] The 5 generations of people in the workplace

[35:55] What would Kevin love his legacy to be in the end?





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