“If I can get to them? Peanut. If not, plain.” This week finds Brandon, Harrison, Eric and Josh dishing on the latest, greatest spoilers from Game of Thrones and the viability of combating piracy through quality. Then,...

“If I can get to them? Peanut. If not, plain.”

This week finds Brandon, Harrison, Eric and Josh dishing on the latest, greatest spoilers from Game of Thrones and the viability of combating piracy through quality. Then, after a quick break, the gang dives into another round of Pre-E3 headlines that include Microsoft’s long-awaited next-gen console announcement-announcement and Nintendo’s official withdrawal from the annual press conference parade. Last but not least, Josh finally (and legally) discusses the nitty-gritty details of the Marvel Heroes beta and we answer some listener emails– including a JKP! video game pitch, some “Would You Rather’s” and another noir-themed JKP! fanfic.

Hit the jump for this week’s related videos and trailers!

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