“I don’t like any of the Fetts, erotic or otherwise.” This week finds Eric the Urban Viking venturing well south of the Mason-Dixon line to join the official JKP roster in Atlanta! Brandon, Josh and...

“I don’t like any of the Fetts, erotic or otherwise.”

This week finds Eric the Urban Viking venturing well south of the Mason-Dixon line to join the official JKP roster in Atlanta! Brandon, Josh and Tom celebrate the show’s newest, semi-permanent addition by discussing last week’s 3DS-centric Nintendo Direct (and a surprise Link to the Past sequel!), share some hands-on impressions after a few hours with Eric’s very own Wii U, nod with restrained optimism towards the latest Man of Steel trailer, and veer off on the usual number of tangents. Plus, as always, listener emails.

Hit the jump for this week’s related videos, trailers and images!

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