“It’s… exactly fun!”  – Thomas W., JumpKickPunch.com Hands-on adventures abound this week as Brandon, Tom, Sarah, Josh, and Harrison share their thoughts with Zack regarding Atlanta’s recent Nintendo-sanctioned Wii U event, including some first-hand accounts of Nintendo...

“It’s… exactly fun!”  – Thomas W., JumpKickPunch.com

Hands-on adventures abound this week as Brandon, Tom, Sarah, Josh, and Harrison share their thoughts with Zack regarding Atlanta’s recent Nintendo-sanctioned Wii U event, including some first-hand accounts of Nintendo Land, Rayman Legends, Just Dance and more! Then, in an incredibly special second half, Zack and Josh square off as M.O.D.O.K. and his mismatched henchmen vs. the Avengers in a LIVE round of Marvel-based Heroclix. (Did I mention his henchmen are named Harrison, Tom and Brandon?)

Hit the jump for this week’s related videos and, more importantly, some visual aids for the intense clicking action of the second half!

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