“The problem with your idea is that it’s not my idea.” In this week’s episode, Brandon, Tom, and Josh sit aghast and befuddled as Zack shares more small print discoveries, we all learn how to...

“The problem with your idea is that it’s not my idea.”

In this week’s episode, Brandon, Tom, and Josh sit aghast and befuddled as Zack shares more small print discoveries, we all learn how to successfully (or unsuccessfully) sell amateur wares at a local comic shop, and the gang has a heated discussion about Penny Arcade’s new web-comic-creator reality show concept, “Stripsearch.” Then, after the break, Brandon willingly hands over the editor’s chair to Zack for a big ol’ mess of listener emails, featuring some personal Summertime stories!

Hit the jump for this week’s related comic covers and videos!

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