Ok! The mysterious nature of this book is impressive and the hold of the narrative on the first chapter even more so. By the second, the questions grow and keep growing as we are just given a whiff of what may possibly be happening, which makes this book gripping from the start!

We have some kind of very advanced governmental agency, the MCU2, with some serious tech and action power, trying to keep somebody safe, Dr. Veda, but right from the start we are bombarded with disappearances and even drugging, loss of data and we, the readers and the MCU2 know nothing of substance! This is how you start a book! Super cool by Dean Comyn.

The narrative is swift and the words run through the pages while you are being flooded with new info, and getting to know who is who and what is what, very slowly and steadily getting a clearer idea of what is in stake. That mysterious, and apparently humble scientist could be involved in something way bigger than first impressions give and there are people that want him, for reasons yet unknown, but surely not benign. Is he part of the whole plot? Is he a victim? Who is behind all of this and above all, where is Dr. Veda that seemed to disappear from thin air?

The MCU2 is a new  intelligence and crime investigation agency, MCU2 ,commanded by Wayne, Detective Chief Inspector John C. Wayne , that is faced with the choices of doing this by himself and his team or start pulling strings and risk reputation, legitimacy, and possibly the whole operation, because they are not yet…. “as operational” , and as “established” as other intelligence governmental units, which poses a problem in operations, although they have lots of authority and resources. So, a missing scientist, a hack on the systems of London’s surveillance systems, the mysterious Estonian beauty and girlfriend of the scientist are the clues that they have to work with.

If you like to read about special ops and intelligence agencies, I will tell you to not leave this one out of your list because there is so much detail about the inner-workings of the operations, the conflicts between agencies, the possible complications that bureaucracy might lead if DCI Wayne asks for help from MI5 or other agencies and how they are also somehow in the shadows of everything behind this, very close, and waiting to strike. You can actually feel the tension and the weight of making decisions on DCI Wayne as the book progresses, and we get to understand why he withholds so much from Burns, and even some of the big names on the team he assembled. It’s very nice.

We have a very detailed, thought-out and planned book, as the amount of little things around the story is huge, the tiny decisions, implications, thought-patterns, it all seems as if the writer wants the reader to focus intently on the book and imagine every single color and moment of action of the characters. Impressive.

Read full review here

Book Score: 8.8/10
Get your copy of this amazing book on Author’s Site // Abebooks // Amazon


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