Thorsten Nesch, is one of the coolest writers we’ve had on our blog, “Grolar”, was one of the most original books last year, and he’s back with: “School Shooter“. Yes, you can bet that this will be a great book. Why do we say this? Because, Thorsten Nesch is one of those writers that packs his books with original, wild, unexpected plots AND valuable content with depth.

With a surprising start, Thorsten Nesch catches our attention and kicks the plot onwards with our main character. The narrative of Thorsten Nesch moves from 1st to 3rd person perspective with ease, and we don’t notice until we stop to think about what happened. This fluid shift and the simple description of the scenarios create a cinematic feel to the reading experience.

Readers will love how fast the book moves and the feeling of progress you will get when the chapters speed by due to the narrative of Thorsten Nesch. He made the book easy to read, enhancing our urge to reading more, and faster, which is exactly what he wants, because the tension rises by the paragraph. Very nice.

The emotions, perceptions, motivations and internal struggles of characters have depth and add weight to the story. It’s amazing how easy Thorsten Nesch can make the book interesting by showing what characters are thinking and feeling in that split second, and explain their background with so few words!

The characters’ unique approaches to the situation of crisis feels real. This allows us readers to identify more with one character or the other. The author also uses characters to show stark emotional differences between genres. It’s interesting to see how he can do it with subtlety and make it believable and clear.

Full review here. 

Book score: 8.4/10
Get it on Amazon – // Audibe // Author Site // Kobo


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