What would was the first thought that crossed your mind when you read the part: “Chin Up, Tits Out” ? …. That’s exactly why we loved this book from the first moment. The image of determination and self-confidence in women.

The introduction to the book is funny, not on the usual way, but it’s totally a surprise and it intrigues readers, mostly because we want to know why did Miranda Oh, chose such events involving… a monkey, hahahahahahhaha.

After all the monkey business is done, the book carries on with ease and quite fast and we are presented with a bright red scene that sets the tone for the entire book and sets the foundation to the main message that the writer is trying to send to us, already explaining by a mention of what the title means and confirming our suspicions of what the book is about, and we love it!

So, we have an extremely self-conscious adult woman with low self-esteem, and panic attacks, that is focused on having financial success, working with her entrepreneurial mother and learning the ropes as she goes and has adventures both business adventures and love adventures. It’s very cool and the fact there is a constant tug-of-war between her financial wants and her relationship after she meets with Riaan on a carnival fare.

The humour is outstanding in the narrative and there are lots of swearing in the book, which makes things even more funny, and more relatable, specially when Miranda is telling the thoughts she had and reactions she had to things. There is also humour when it comes to describing events and actions, specially on her part and the fact that the humour was well put and exaggerated makes the fact that she was very insecure more relatable to the target readers and more acceptable as well. Very nicely done by Miranda Oh.

It’s admirable, fun and exciting to see that her mother is so cool and supportive, and… has super powers of premonition that, work! Impressive.

It’s very nice to see such amazing examples of parenting, from both her entrepreneurial mother that has quite successful ventures and from the father that is a very patient and attentive man. It’s nice to see a cohesive family, where family members support each other and have each other’s backs no matter what, even when it comes to the “gangster” brother.

The fast pace of this book makes it even more engaging as this love story progresses, the “living young wild and free” attitude that everything is possible makes itself more solid after the turn of each page. As readers, we don’t expect it to end, and it seems like there is no going down from this crazy ride of love and possibilities! It’s super nice.

Full Review here - https://scribblesworth.wordpress.com/2021/12/28/remember-no-matter-what-chin-up-tits-out-by-miranda-oh/

Cover Score: 8.5/10
Book Score: 7.8/10
Get your copy of this great book on: Author’s Page //Google Books // Barnes&Noble // Abebooks


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