Humor is an always present aspect of this book, from the first words of the author to the last, growing as the book goes. The titles of the chapters themselves are funny, intriguing and show a lot about the sense of humor of the author. You will have so much fun reading this, but the first story of the book is… crashing. A little sensitive to Americans, Sep. 11, is told from a weird and spooky perspective. But this story will not be the only one relating planes and weird things, in the US or Canada.

This book is very well narrated, we have to say this. The way Vince writes, shows not only understanding on how to pass on the message to the reader, but clearness on what to say and why. Excellently done in this aspect. The book feels light and uncluttered.

There is so much drama in the narration, and ohhh the humor ! AHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAAHAA, “My Louis! My Louis!” hahahaahhahahahaha, this book is so awesome, Vince is so awesome, hahahahahahahahah, LOVE IT! And oh, go do a blood sugar test before you read this because you might get diabetes, this is SOO SWEET at times, like, super cute, and clueless. Hahahahahhahaha.

We love the honesty of the author and the way he expresses himself, without fear of judgment and keeping his own ground. Another curious and stark thing is that the author looks at his past self with understanding and … face palms. His dreams and aspirations as a child and how he grew up watching the glam TV shows, and how they influenced him was laid with precision. There wasn’t any beating around the bush, but there was honesty, the feeling of wonder that was well conveyed to the reader. We can feel and see it all, understand and connect to the Vince in our own personal ways.

Book score: 9.8/10
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