High tension, jail-style high tension, gives us a heart-stopping introduction to the 7th book in the Cal Rogan Mystery series, as we are presented to a 6 feet tall man with a gang that wants a piece of Micah, but doesn’t get it because he is friends with another gang leader that is as muscled as one can be and he is standing right beside him, which almost causes a violent altercation. Why does the giant want a piece of Micah, if he is jus a skinny kid that has never seen jail in his life? We are yet to find out because apparently, Micah, was wrongfully convicted and is doing jail in one of the harshest prison facilities in Canada, and the whole situation looks like a set-up.

Rogan, a private investigator, a retired private investigator that is trying to live his life as a professor in an University may be his only hope out of this situation, but how can he prove him innocent if all evidences are against him?

We have a very interesting set-up for a mystery novel with an inviting narrative told with confidence. The plot develops with ease even with all the minute details the writer puts and calls our attention to in order to understand certain implications that might hinder events or be used later on in the story.

A curious thing: our main character, Detective Rogan, has in hand an “unwanted” proposal that if he accepts, may risk the life of the man he is trying to prove innocent making every move count as time works against him.

There are some incredibly smooth characters, like Jim Garry and Ellie, that we start loving right away, and it seems like the author took great care for us to love Jim even more after every word he speaks. Really cool, and when you add that to the interaction of the characters in the whole story, the way it all feels effortless and real, – the relationship between Ellie, Sam and Cal; the relationship and interactions between Cal and his ex-wife, his business partners, with all the tension and joy between – makes this mystery romance much more enjoyable.

Full review here - https://scribblesworth.wordpress.com/2021/12/23/jailedby-robert-p-french/

Cover Score: 8.5/10
Book Score: 8.8/10
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