Five happy choices is about the practice of happiness and how we can integrate it in our daily lives. But, before we start to talk about happiness, we have to ask ourselves: What IS happiness?

Well, let´s start with what isn’t. Happiness isn’t an event, a happening, a thing that falls from the sky or has dollar bills attached to it. No. Happiness is a choice, a choice that you can make, an easy choice that you can and should make. A choice that Kristina Rienzi helps you with on her book that serves as the basis of this practical journal. Although you don’t have to read that book to understand this practical monthly guide, you can read it here.

The conversational tone of the book is uttermost friendly and open, inviting, casual and clear. Very nice!

Authenticity and spontaneity are, in this simple guide, crucial to success, and the author makes it easy and fun to make the exercises.

Kristina Rienzi focuses on four distinctive actions as the foundation of the book and the exercises for you to develop the habits that will make you happier. This is important to keep in mind. Our habits and the thought processes that we choose on a daily basis influence our feelings, and so, how satisfying our lives are be. With this 4 week schedule of lessons and exercises, one can start to cultivate the seeds of happiness.

Book Score: 9.0/10

Get the book here


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