Simon Shares Really strong November for stocks. France and Italy had their best months ever, S&P500 +11% and JSE +10%. The Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine has been approved for use in the UK starting next week. Limited supplies so front line workers and old people first. But this is good news and suggests that the news for 2021 will be more about rolling out of the vaccine albeit probably also lots of second and third waves. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a train. Upcoming events; 03 December ~ JSE Power Hour: Position your portfolio for 2021 Subscribe to our feed here Subscribe or review us in iTunes Bytes UK (JSE code: BYI) JSE listing is confirmed for next Thursday. Purple Group* (JSE code: PPE) very strong results for the year ending August 2020. Sygnia (JSE code: SYG) issue a strong trading update, HEPS expected 62%-67% stronger, results due on Tuesday. ASISA report record inflows into CIS in SA in Q3 while Q2 saw R88billion added as markets were collapsing. Peeps are smart. Decent bounce in gold, but still looking weak even as it moves above the 200-day MA. I hold Pan African* (JSE code: PAN) and continue to hold. The position is small and really is insurance for just in case. 2020 has been wild and I not placing bets in 2021 just yet. Aveng (JSE code: AEG) doing rights issue at 1.5c that will double the number of shares to 40billion! They'll then do a consolidation and always be short a consolidation.  Sasol (JSE code: SOL) seems to have cleaned up much of the mess and old enough assets to make a rights issue below the upper US$2billion level. Coupled with oil looking like it may go higher is good news for the share.

* I hold ungeared positions.

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