Simon Shares Curro (JSE code: COH) were mixed but mostly good. The lower priced schools struggled and the tertiary are still getting off the ground and will be unbundled in September. But for a stock on a PE of some 100x HEPS growth of just 22% is way to low. Anchor Group (JSE code: ACG) results were as expected from their trading update - a massive disappointment. Last March I was expecting HEPS of 100c for this financial year and they just did 22c (down 39%) and will be hard pressed to do 50c HEPS for the year. That said, 50c HEPS puts them on a forward PE of around 10x, not bad but frankly Coronation (JSE code: CML) with a dividend yield of some 6.5% looking much more attractive. PPC (JSE code: PPC) woes continue as the share trades at 1999 levels. Yip zero price profit this century if you've been holding the stock. This after a high of 5300c in 2007. So now everybody wants to buy, but there's no rush (if at all). Wait for a doubling of price before considering an entry. Famous Brands* (JSE code: FBR) update shows very modest like for like growth but this statement worries me "To date, certain of the new UK stores opened since acquisition have not met sales projections.". Up coming events; JSE Power Hour: Getting trading right with Trader Petri The Traders Life: The process with IG and Simon Brown JSE Power Hour: Disruptions or Innovation

* I hold ungeared positions.

Back to Bitcoin

I did a Bitcoin (code: BTC) podcast in March and nobody cared . Another in June and interest was still modest. Now it booming and everybody wants in?

Is it too late? No idea. Is it going to crash? No idea. How high will it go? No idea.

What is Bitcoin? It is not a currency, it is if anything a commodity. It pays no dividends and can buy things but remember sea shells have been used to buy things in the past.

For those wanting to buy Bitcoin, Magda Wierzycka )CEO of Sygnia) recommends using Luno locally (albeit it internal so only market within SA and hence price not always reflective of other exchange prices). Or use an offshore exchange (using your annual R10million offshore allowance) via Kraken or Xapo.

Here's a trick, there is no central exchange for Bitcoin, so what's the price? Also no regulator and we have seen exchanges crash, be hacked and go bust. So this is fairly wild west out there.

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