Mikeal Rogers, Alex Sexton, and Rachel White discuss Web Components and questions like — “WTF is Shadow DOM?” and “Are custom elements ready?” We also discuss the JavaScript conference scene as well as attending, speaking and organizing conferences. Plus, the project of the week — p5.js.

Mikeal Rogers, Alex Sexton, and Rachel White discuss Web Components and questions like — “WTF is Shadow DOM?” and “Are custom elements ready?” We also discuss the JavaScript conference scene as well as attending, speaking and organizing conferences. Plus, the project of the week — p5.js.

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Mikeal Rogers – Twitter, GitHubRachel White – Twitter, GitHubAlex Sexton – Twitter, GitHub, Website

Show Notes:

Web Components and WTF is Shadow DOM?

In part 1 of the show we talked about Web Components and we discussed questions like — “WTF is Shadow DOM?” and “Are custom elements ready?”

Shadow DOM v1: Self-Contained Web Components by Eric Bidelman — Engineer @ Google working on Lighthouse, Web Components, Chrome, and the web

Conferences: Attending, Speaking, and Organizing

In part 2 of the show we talked about attending, speaking and organizing conferences.

Thunder Plains Conf

Project of the Week



Mikeal - Slideless
Alex - Mike West ~ @mikewest + Web App Sec mailing list
Rachel - Sarah Drasner and her new book SVG Animations: From Common UX Implementations to Complex Responsive Animation

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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