Nick, KBall, and Chris respond to follow up on the State of JavaScript survey, discuss Chromium, Edge, and the future of the web, and reminisce about the past year in the final JS Party of 2018!

Nick, KBall, and Chris respond to follow up on the State of JavaScript survey, discuss Chromium, Edge, and the future of the web, and reminisce about the past year in the final JS Party of 2018!

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Nick Nisi – Twitter, GitHub, WebsiteKevin Ball – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, WebsiteChristopher Hiller – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, Website

Show Notes:

State of JavaScript survey follow up

Sacha Grief responds to our previous discussion on the State of JS survey
JS Party: 52 - Original discussion on the survey
Changelog: 252 - GitHub’s Open Source Survey

Jumping off the Edge into Chromium

It’s official. The future of Microsoft Edge is Chromium
They’re also dropping ChakraCore in favor of V8.

JavaScript in 2018 and Beyond

TypeScript is 🔥🔥🔥
Vue 3.0 and TypeScript
JS Party is back!
Dojo 2 released!
npm: This year in JavaScript
Project Gutenberg from WordPress
The rise of VSCode
Netflix: Our learnings from adopting GraphQL
Deno - JavaScript and TypeScript outside the browser

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

Twitter Mentions