Ahmad Awais joins Amal, Amelia, and Jerod to discuss scripting, automation, and building CLIs with Node! We hear Ahmad’s back story, learn the ABC’s of mastering Node automation tooling, and share automation wins from all of our lives (and Twitter too).

Ahmad Awais joins Amal, Amelia, and Jerod to discuss scripting, automation, and building CLIs with Node! We hear Ahmad’s back story, learn the ABC’s of mastering Node automation tooling, and share automation wins from all of our lives (and Twitter too).

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Ahmad Awais – Twitter, GitHub, WebsiteAmal Hussein – Twitter, GitHubAmelia Wattenberger – Twitter, GitHub, WebsiteJerod Santo – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn

Show Notes:

Ahmad’s Node CLI course
The Coronavirus CLI
create-node-cli repo
Google’s ZX project
Fig’s CLI package
Amelia’s code structure visualization
Amal on The Changelog #362

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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