Why do people say that marriage is becoming extinct?

1. FEAR -people are afraid of hurt, rejection being vulnerable. FOMO. Something or someone better is around the corner. It’s all fear and you bring it to yourself…

2. Bad teaching- Who are you listening to? Online influences, gurus, family members? You reading your word? Your pastor? Following people with fruit on the tree? Modeling marriage/family success? Seeking positive input and wise counsel? Men bashing women and women bashing men and that’s what you’re listening too.

3. Communication and unrealistic expectations  - Expectations of a perfect mate from an imperfect you. Work on yourself; make improvements there. Attract what you are/what you want and watch this. What you need. Your spouse is also there to help you and also highlight where you need improvement. But we run from that and it becomes a problem vs you're doing some work in that area.

Because the POWER couple, is real.