One of the most popular podcasts ever is the one on Homeschooling a child with ADHD. Because of this, I wanted to share another blog post that I wrote a few years ago about homeschooling the distracted child. Three years later, this is still something we struggle with. Even after the kids are in middle and high school. 

A distracted child is a common occurrence in many homeschool families. When left undealt with it means long homeschool days, a frustrated homeschool mom, and a child who is constantly unable to focus. 

This is just an outline of the episode, be sure to listen!  So, what has been the solution to homeschooling a distracted child? Eliminate Distractions Try to Understand Your Distracted Child

As parents sometimes we have to face reality.  And one area I had to overcome when it comes to homeschooling my distracted child is the reality that my expectations were too high.  The truth is when we are parenting a distracted child we have to be realistic. Here is our reality:

Shorter lessons Interest led learning Sometimes together isn’t better Realize you can’t set it and forget it

I also give some great tips for eliminating homeschool distractions for you AND your child in this video.

PS: If you haven’t heard of Worldview Academy I suggest you check it out. You can get $100 off of admission using code 2520 . If you have any questions about it send me an email, [email protected] either I or my daughter will do our best to answer them.

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