So, we have been homeschooling now for 10 years. 10! About this time 10 years ago Alyson had her last day of public school preschool. She left school and has never gone back. 

In that 10 years our homeschool has changed a LOT, and today I want to talk about some of our favorite homeschool memories, some of our worst, and I want to let you all have a peek into what my kids really think of homeschooling. 

Here is what we are sharing today: What has been your favorite homeschool memory What has been your worst?  Favorite Curriculum Favorite Project/Field Trip/Activity we have done while we have homeschooled Do you remember anything about public school (Alyson) What do you LIKE about being homeschooled?  What do you DISLIKE about being homeschooled? Have you ever considered public school?  How do you make friends? What about socialization?  What would you say to a child who’s parent wants to homeschool them but they think homeschoolers are weird…….  How has homeschooling changed in our home through the years?  Do you think you will homeschool your kids?

Alright, guys, I hope you enjoyed this episode of the Joyfully Homeschooling podcast. If you haven’t yet, be sure to start Christmas break soon! We will be on break from the podcast through the new year and will be back with new episodes on January 3rd. 

Be sure to listen to the whole episode. This is just a small snippet of our conversation. 

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Resources mentioned in this episode: Podcast sponsor, Masterpiece Society Follow on Instagram Follow on Facebook Subscribe for weekly encouragement emails AND a coupon to my store Joy in the Journey store