In today’s episode, we chat about Yvette’s upcoming production: Schoolhouse Rocked, but she also lets us in on some of her homeschool struggles and fears. Yvette struggled early on with feeling inadequate to homeschool, but through the years she has decided to embrace the idea of slowing it down and taking it easy. I can’t wait to share this episode with you all, so let’s dive on into my chat with Yvette!

To see the schoolhouse trailer and find out more visit If you’d like to support this important homeschool movie, visit

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Resources mentioned in this episode: Podcast Sponsor Notgrass Podcast Sponsor Write Shop Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast Schoolhouse Rocked on FB Indoctrination Movie My Episode on Yvette's Podcast Durenda Wilson's book, The Unhurried Homeschooler Teaching from Rest by Sarah Mackenzie My Season of Homeschooling out of Negligence Follow on Instagram Follow on Facebook Subscribe for weekly encouragement emails AND a coupon to my store