Christmas break is here for most of us! I have been counting down the days until break because we are in need of some downtime!

But, I recently got a question from a reader and wanted to hop on real quick and answer it.

Holly asks,

“Do you ever feel so behind that you can’t take a Christmas break? Life has gotten in the way this year and we are nowhere near where I wanted to be.”

Confession? I have been there and now I ask myself why would anyone homeschool through the holidays? I tried this one year.  

It was a disaster. Really. I don't know what I was thinking but I definitely wasn't thinking logistically. Homeschooling through the holidays CAN be done. I'm sure. People blog about it. But, really no one NEEDS to do it. And that includes YOU.

Homeschool moms are ON all the time. We never get a break. Our jobs are 24/7 so believe me when I say the world will not end if you don't "do school" over the holidays. It will not end if you say no to those fun crafts, baking treats, or other things that Pinterest says you NEED to do on Christmas break.  We don’t need an advent study, holidays around the world printable pack or anything else remotely related to “school” during the holidays. We need family. We need togetherness. We need REST.

The truth of the matter is our kids are learning all the time. And you can count those days between Thanksgiving and Christmas even if you never open a book. It’s called life skills.

These skills can be found in the kitchen, through family relationships, character training, social skills, homemaking and much more.  Many of these life skills are ones that kids in our society today are severely lacking. We can fill in those gaps and focus on these important life skills throughout the holidays. And guess what? They are still learning!

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Resources mentioned in this episode: Podcast season sponsor Beautiful Feet BooksSkill Trek  12 Skills of Christmas  5 Things You Must do on Christmas Break When Your Family is Against Homeschooling Follow on Instagram Follow on Facebook Subscribe for weekly encouragement emails AND a coupon to my store Joy in the Journey store