It is okay to get angry. Anger is a natural response to injustice, or a trigger alerting us that something is wrong. Having feelings is totally normal.

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We often think of anger as a negative emotion that we should avoid, however anger comes up in the Bible many times. As caring people we should be outraged at the injustice, poverty, and suffering around us. Jesus responded in anger towards the ungodly attitudes and actions of others. (Matthew 21:12-13, and Mark 3:5) yet He was not an angry person, nor did He sin. 

We can learn from Jesus's response to anger. Firstly our anger should have a good and godly reason behind it. Here I mean things like injustice, poverty, oppression or hypocrisy. Getting angry just because you didn't get your own way is a response your child might have, but they are still growing and developing. Secondly our reaction should be appropriate. One that leads to action that will improve the situation not just acting in anger (sin).

What we don't want is to stay angry, or to act upon that anger in a way that causes harm to ourselves or others. Anger is like a warning light that goes off and let's you know that something isn't right. Our goal then should be to find out what is the real message behind that anger.

More resources about anger

Talking about feelings with your family

Feelings wall youTube

STOP Mindfulness Method

Joyful Mud Puddles Courses on Emotions

Emotion Coaching Intensive

Joyful Kids: My Big Feelings class for kids

Resources Mentioned
STOP, DROP, BREATHE Dr. Laura Markham
Karol Ladd shares another acronym that is also effective in her book "A Positive Plan for Creating More Calm, Less Stress".
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Marshall Rosenberg Non Violent Communication
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