I am so excited to have Margit Crane on the podcast today!  She is fun and hopeful and full of really helpful information for ADD/ADHD children and the grown ups who love and work with them.

From Margit's bio:

Confused and frustrated, people are drawn to Margit’s bright-eyed optimism, her natural communication style, and her no-nonsense, real-world solutions. They fall in love with her humor and compassion, realizing that she is their strongest advocate and biggest fan. Clients feel heard and understood, and they trust her to support each of them, together as a family and, separately, as individuals. She blends an uncanny and authentic understanding of children and teens with adult wisdom and experience, and a long career as a trailblazer in the field of Attention Deficit Disorder, school success, and child-parent dynamics.

Margit and I spend time discussion what ADD/ADHD is and what it isn't, when to consider if our child is a ADD/ADHD, and what the steps are to connect and hold space for these special kids.


Resources mentioned:

Getting Schooled - a free ebook from Margit that helps parents navigate their child's school experience
www.wrightslaw.com - articles, legal resources. support

How to find and follow Margit:

Facebook - Gifted with ADD
Twitter - BrilliantADHD
Pinterest - Gifted with ADD



****Limited time offer****

About MAZLO --- click here to check out the offer mentioned on the show.  If you are interested in checking out the Calm and Connected Parenting Program FOR FREE send an emaill to [email protected].  Put "Mazlo Coupon" in the subject line!!  

And don't forget to join the Joyful Courage Tribe in our community Facebook group - Live and Love with Joyful Courage.


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