Today's guests are Jean Chatzky and Kathryn Tuggle. Casey, Jean and Kathryn discuss their new book, "How to Money".
Key takeaways from the show:

How do young people learn financial literacy like short-term spending and long-term planning? 

What are families missing when they teach their children about money? 

Tracking spending, budgeting, & apps 

What resources can parents use to educate themselves to better educate their kids about finances? 

When to start teaching kids/teens about money 

Teens working & earning their own money 

Why or why not connect allowance/payment to chores 

How to help your teen set-up an IRA  

Tips for teens regarding choosing majors & schools, student loans, and first jobs

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Today's guests are Jean Chatzky and Kathryn Tuggle. Casey, Jean and Kathryn discuss their new book, "How to Money".



Key takeaways from the show:

How do young people learn financial literacy like short-term spending and long-term planning? 
What are families missing when they teach their children about money? 
Tracking spending, budgeting, & apps 
What resources can parents use to educate themselves to better educate their kids about finances? 
When to start teaching kids/teens about money 
Teens working & earning their own money 
Why or why not connect allowance/payment to chores 
How to help your teen set-up an IRA  
Tips for teens regarding choosing majors & schools, student loans, and first jobs


Find more details about the show on our website. 


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