My guest today is Lisa L. Lewis.
We discuss... 

How Lisa first got involved with teens sleep needs and changing school start times

Why teens can struggle to get the sleep they need

The issues that can come with teens not getting enough sleep

How to help your teens move into a rhythm that allows them to get the sleep they need

The ways technology affects sleep

How to push for a change in school start times in your community

And more!

Lisa is the author of The Sleep-Deprived Teen: Why Our Teenagers Are So Tired, And How Parents And Schools Can Help Them Thrive, described as “a call to action” by Arianna Huffington and “an urgent and timely read” by Daniel H. Pink.
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My guest today is Lisa L. Lewis.

We discuss... 

How Lisa first got involved with teens sleep needs and changing school start times
Why teens can struggle to get the sleep they need
The issues that can come with teens not getting enough sleep
How to help your teens move into a rhythm that allows them to get the sleep they need
The ways technology affects sleep
How to push for a change in school start times in your community
And more!

Lisa is the author of The Sleep-Deprived Teen: Why Our Teenagers Are So Tired, And How Parents And Schools Can Help Them Thrive, described as “a call to action” by Arianna Huffington and “an urgent and timely read” by Daniel H. Pink.

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