Thank you to everyone who chimed in for this month's Ask Casey episode! I chose this particular submission because I believe it is something that MANY of us are challenged by. Enjoy!
From Mama Kay:
Defiance. My six year old has recently started saying straight out No's to anything I ask. ANYTHING! I've tried explaining why I ask her to do things and even explain how it benefits her. But it's just no. It's many times in a disrespectful and rude way. I think she is just finding her boundaries and her self confidence but I do not know how to interact with her. I don't want to bulldoze over her feelings or bully her into obedience. But I also don't want her to be disrespectful or be an example of disrespect to her younger siblings. Along with the no is an ability to find something negative about everything. I've had to ask her to go to another room many times because she was affecting her siblings attitude too. I am praying this is a stage but I don't want to break or break her through the process.
Tune in to hear my response!
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Thank you to everyone who chimed in for this month's Ask Casey episode! I chose this particular submission because I believe it is something that MANY of us are challenged by. Enjoy!

From Mama Kay:

Defiance. My six year old has recently started saying straight out No's to anything I ask. ANYTHING! I've tried explaining why I ask her to do things and even explain how it benefits her. But it's just no. It's many times in a disrespectful and rude way. I think she is just finding her boundaries and her self confidence but I do not know how to interact with her. I don't want to bulldoze over her feelings or bully her into obedience. But I also don't want her to be disrespectful or be an example of disrespect to her younger siblings. Along with the no is an ability to find something negative about everything. I've had to ask her to go to another room many times because she was affecting her siblings attitude too. I am praying this is a stage but I don't want to break or break her through the process.

Tune in to hear my response!

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