Karrah Miller Herring is a native of South Bend, IN where she currently resides and works for the University of Notre Dame as the Director of Public Affairs. She has an undergraduate degree in Public Relations from Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN where she also minored in Political Science and Spanish. She earned her Juris Doctorate from Valparaiso University School of Law.

She is passionate about gender issues, specifically the intersection of race and gender and the experience of the black woman in higher education, corporate culture and religion. In addition to her role at a university, Karrah also represents artists and public figures with her own company Lucy Mina Consulting. She is also now an assistant pastor at Faith Apostolic Ministries.

Some key points Karrah shares:

1. Your conservative family may support you in ways you couldn’t imagine. Yes, that can even apply if you are a pastor’s kid and find yourself in an unplanned pregnancy.

2. No matter where you are on your journey, don’t be discouraged because you’re moving forward. Small beginnings can take you somewhere that you could never imagine. Karrah was on food stamps when she was a single mom in law school and kept her food stamp card to remind her how far God has brought her.

3. Even as an introvert, you can still be successful in a career that requires you to interact with the public as long as you manage your time and energy to ensure you have an opportunity to recharge yourself.

4. Self-care is extremely important and essential in helping you to manage stressful environments. Karrah shares some challenges she’s encountered while working at a predominately white institution (PWI) and how having a mentor has also helped her navigate complex situations.

5. Once you reach certain heights in your career, it’s always important to help bring up others as well.

Connect with Karrah!

Website: https://www.lucyminaconsulting.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karrah_herring/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/karrah_herring


Stay connected with Journey to Jupiter!

Website: www.jetaundavis.com Instagram: @JourneyJupiter Twitter: @JourneyJupiter Facebook: @JourneyJupiter


Produced by Ken Inge of Dead End Hip Hop

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