Born in Brooklyn, New York and raised in Irvington, New Jersey by first-generation parents from Jamaica and Grenada, Andre Crompton is a banking professional in the Debt Capital Markets industry with over 15 years of experience.

After graduating from the University of Notre Dame - where he also played on the varsity fencing team - with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics, he started his career working in collections and has worked his way up to holding several management roles through his career. Andre is currently the Senior Vice President of Capital Markets for Wintrust Commercial Finance.

In addition to his professional career, Andre is a board member of St. Anthony Charter School in Dallas, TX and has held prior board roles for the Vanderbilt YMCA in New York City.

A few points Andre shares:

1. It can be challenging for varsity athletes to complete internships while in college as they often train during the summers. However, connections developed while working jobs or internships in high school can help you find employment opportunities after graduating college. So for any high school students listening, realize that building your network starts now!

2. Interviews are a two-way street: be sure to ask the interviewer about training and development opportunities including leadership development programs and/or additional training once hired as an intern or employee. Training and development opportunities should be considered along with compensation when reviewing job offers.

3. Rather than worrying or complaining about your job not being ideal, focus on learning what you can where you are until you can move on to the next job.

4. Being able to multi-task and master time management is critical to having a successful career in the banking industry yet alone finding some balance in your professional and personal life altogether.

Connect with Andre!

Email: [email protected] Instagram:


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Produced by Ken Inge of Dead End Hip Hop

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