Happy New Year!

In this first episode of 2020, I start with a recap of the three assignments from the last three episodes of 2019. Now is still a great time to complete these tasks if you haven’t already!

1. Episode 35: schedule an appointment at your college career center to find out what resources are available to you free of charge (well…they’re included in your tuition so you might as well utilize your resources!)

2. Episode 36: follow up with everyone you met (and networked with) during the holidays to schedule career conversations

3. Episode 37: take some time to self-reflect on what worked well and not-so-well in 2019 to determine what you want to continue or do differently in 2020

Then, I share the main reason why people fail to keep their New Year's resolutions year after year. I share the concept of setting S.M.A.R.T. goals and identify the step that is most often missed in this process – which then puts people on a downward spiral to not keeping their resolutions for the new year.

And.... I end with two announcements:

1. New episodes of Journey to Jupiter will now be released every other week rather than on a weekly basis. So, the next episode will be released on Friday, January 24.

2. I’m offering a webinar at the end of January that goes into greater detail on how to create S.M.A.R.T. goals. I'll also be giving laser coaching where I help you make your 2020 goals S.M.A.R.T.!

Details will be shared with my mailing list first, so sign up here to make sure you’re on the list if you’re interested.


Stay connected with Journey to Jupiter!

Email: [email protected] Join our mailing list Website: jetaundavis.com Instagram: @JourneyJupiter Twitter: @JourneyJupiter Facebook: @JourneyJupiter


Produced by Ken Inge of Dead End Hip Hop

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