Swift change and uncertainty are upon us with the COVID-19 pandemic, so I share a helpful tool and tips to help us all navigate these times.

Tool: The Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Feel free to switch God with Lord, Universe, or go right into the prayer with “grant me the serenity…” Also feel free to call this a mantra, mediation, chant, or whatever feels comfortable for you.


Accept what you cannot control. This novel coronavirus is here and doesn’t discriminate, especially as it pertains to age as we were first informed.


Change what you can; focus on what you can control. Be a part of the effort to flatten the curve; practice social distancing. Stay calm and be a source of support rather than feed into panic and hysteria Control your shopping habits; buy only the toilet paper, paper towels, Clorox, hand sanitizer, etc. that you need. Be mindful of what you focus on and how you spend your time


Ideas on where to put your focus Think about all of the things for which you’re grateful Make a list of things you are looking forward to doing when restrictions are lifted Create a digital vision board with Pinterest Connect with your high school counselor or college career center virtually Pay attention to how companies you are interested in working with are responding to the pandemic View job and internships postings on LinkedIn Apply for scholarships Volunteer your time and skillsets to support communities in need Reconnect with family and friends virtually Reconnect with yourself


This is also a great time to check out my free goalsetting training, "Achieve Your Goals in 2020: Learn the Art of Goalsetting".

Stay connected with Journey to Jupiter!

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Produced by Ken Inge of Dead End Hip Hop

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