Today's episode focuses on the postpartum or 4th trimester time and getting to know your new family, so to help us understand a bit about what that transition looks like, I have invited Kristy Hogue, a Seattle based postpartum doula from Creative Cusp Doula to share her insights about what every parent should know about the transition into the new family unit and how a postpartum doula can help support all aspects of that transition, from ensuring the parents are well nourished and slept to making sure fido still gets his daily walks. 

Kristy will tell us how a postpartum doula supports parents during their pregnancy in preparation for welcoming their new baby and how they support new parents adjust to the new family dynamics in the 4th trimester. 

 She will share what it looks like to invite a postpartum doula into your life, the many roles they can fill and how professional support differs from having the well meaning, but sometimes not so helpful support of friends or family. 

 You can find Kristy at and on the socials @creativecusp

 Learn more about childbirth preparation at

Join the Journey into Circle Magic for Homebirth, beginning April 22nd.