You want a traditional book deal? First you need a stand-out book proposal. But for many first-time authors, creating a book proposal is a mystery. What do you include? What don’t you include? What are agents really looking for? In this episode author and book proposal coach Lisa Tener provides insider knowledge of what it takes to create a proposal that catches the eye of a literary agent and a publisher.


Great Moments in the Episode

6:50 – 8:16      The number one thing publishers and literary agents look for in a book proposal.

8:18 – 10:19    Lisa answers the question: What size platform do agents and publishers look for?

10:20 – 12:18  What to do when an agent likes your idea but you do not have a platform.

12:19 – 13:49 How to grow a basic platform.

13:50 – 16:01 Help for developing your book idea when it needs to be differentiated.

16:03 – 16:36 Signs your book is based on a crummy idea.

17:37 – 18:52  When you should pursue an independent publisher instead of a traditional publisher.

18:53 – 19:52  Signs your idea is suited for an article and not a book.

19:54 – 21:15 How to differentiate your book from comps.

21:16 – 22:15 How many comps and what types of comps to include in your book proposal.

22:16 – 25:54  How much of your book should be completed when you submit your proposal.

25:55 – 28:18  How much time a writer should devote to a book proposal.

28:20 – 30:23  Reasons why your literary agent might accept your book but a publisher won’t.

30:25 – 32:05  How your publishing on external digital platforms influences literary agents and publishing boards.

32:06 – 35:01  Missteps when writing a book proposal.

35:53 – 37:21 Managing expectations for first-time authors pitching a book.


Words of the Episode

ephemeron (n): an insect that lives only for a day or a few days.

lissome (adj): thin, supple, and graceful.


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