Hello JP Nation! Today we have a Master Coach joining us. He went from real estate to world changer. Marc Mawhinney is a coaches’ coach. He is a native Canadian but his show and education systems are all over the globe. We agree with Marc when he says “You are put here to make an impact on the community and all around the world.” Marc is doing just that!

The best coaches seek their own coach. You have to be ahead of your clients in order to help them. There are a few things Marc looks for in a coach to decide if they have what it takes to be a coach. He has to be selective when it comes to his own clients.

The craft of coaching – Many people can learn how to be a coach but few have the heart for it. Is this coach in it for the right reason? Entrepreneurship – You are an entrepreneur. You are running a business. There will be long hours on many occasions and lots of time devoted to finding clients. Are you willing to put in that time and effort? Learning – Are you willing to learn? If you aren’t willing to read a book, coaching probably isn’t for you.

Marc is no stranger to adversity. Marc has a background in real estate. Throughout his 20s he had a successful real estate business. Unfortunately when he hit his 30s he suffered not one but two business closures as well as a divorce. Marc decided to not dwell on those times but to make a comeback. It wasn’t a matter of IF he was going to make a comeback but of WHEN. During this tough time he had help from many coaches. Marc is an entrepreneur and he knew he wanted to continue down that path. He would much rather work seven days a week if it meant that he was able to do what he loves. That brought him into the world of coaching. He started out by wanting to help any entrepreneur. He had many clients ranging from brick and mortar business owners to coaches. It was night and day for him. He really enjoyed coaching the coaches. He made a commitment to do what he enjoys this time around. He decided to follow his gut and become a coaches’ coach.

When asked “what are the top 3 things a coach needs to know in order to serve people well?’, Marc jokes that he could give us 30. But he does narrow it down to 3 for us.

You have to be clear that you are in coaching for the right reason. Do you have the passion for this field? You are becoming an entrepreneur, are you willing to put in the long hours? Know who you are serving and how you serve them. Many coaches that have come to him don’t know their fees or their own programs. Those are important things to know. Be patient. Huge success doesn't come overnight. Marc talks about how his first year was a blur. He is now in year three and is happy with where things are going.

“Everything happens for a reason.”

That is a very cliché statement but holds to be very true. If it wasn’t for Marc’s adversities in his early 30s, he wouldn’t be able to reach people all over the globe. Adversity either overcomes you or you overcome it. They help to shape us. Marc decided to overcome his adversities and join the group of people who do what they love.

We have no doubt that you will enjoy listening to Marc Mawhinney today. If you do, please comment below and share with your friends and family. Until next time check us out online at www.journeyprinciples.com and make sure to follow us on Facebook, Stephen Scoggins The Journey Principles.