Welcome back JP Nation! Today we have a story that you will definitely want to tune into. We have the Executive Director of First Choice Pregnancy Solutions based out of Raleigh, NC joining us today. Her journey didn’t start out like most would think. She went from being a prostitute to a ministry director! Please join us in welcoming Amber Lehman!

Have you ever felt like you have done something so wrong that you could never be forgiven? Or maybe you felt like your life’s path wasn’t one that depicted a “Christian lifestyle” and therefore you would be turned away from a church? Well Amber’s story glorifies God’s amazing grace and shows that God forgives everything as long as you follow a path of serving Him.

Amber started her teens unlike most. She became pregnant at the age of 15. Started using drugs and alcohol following her choice of abortion in order to hide the pain and keep it a secret. That day she consciously hardened her heart and stopped herself from having feelings. Not much long after, she decided she wanted to turn the tables on men and became a high dollar call girl in her own town.

In September of 1998 she lost two friends in a boating accident and this opened her eyes. She went to two funerals on a Saturday and got up Sunday morning to attend church. Every week she would go back to church but nothing really changed in her life. She would party on Saturday night and go to church on Sunday. December 12 of that same year everything changed for Amber.  It was the first time she had seen a play depicting Jesus Christ’s life.

Every single time a nail was hammered in Jesus on the cross, Amber heard “I did this for you. I did this for you. I did this for you.” She surrendered her life to Jesus Christ that night.

About a month later her hometown held their annual Sanctity of Life Sunday. This time it had a much deeper meaning to her. She realized for the first time that she had taken a human life when she made a tough choice of abortion. She was unglued. She showed up at her pastor’s office unannounced and he made time to see her and speak with her about her faith. Her eyes were finally opened that day.

Amongst the crying she caught her pastor smiling at her. He then said “I am watching Christ make a new creation in front of my eyes.”

Amber’s sins were paid for at that cross. Everyone’s sins were paid for at that cross.

Are you terrified of coming to terms with your past or current situation? Are you worried that you might be judged if you were to share your story? Amber’s story is a great example of how you will be blessed once you place your faith in Christ. You will be forgiven. And then your story can help someone else release the chains of guilt.

We encourage you to reach out to someone you trust. If you don’t have anyone to reach out to, reach out to us. The Journey Principles is a place of non-judgmental love. There is no discrimination within JP. Don’t wait. Begin that healing process and experience God’s amazing grace.

“I don’t care where they’ve been, it’s where they are going.” – Stephen Scoggins

You do not want to miss this podcast today. Amber’s story is absolutely amazing and gives hope to those struggling right now. This is just Part 1, make sure to tune in for Part 2 in just a couple of days. If you enjoy today’s episode, please comment and share with others. And until next time follow us on Facebook at Stephen Scoggins The Journey Principles, as well as on Twitter at stephen_scoggins.